Thursday, October 12, 2017

Gallia in tres partes: Norma encore at OperaMall

Welp [spoiler alert], so Adalgisa doubles down on Irminsul, so I guess Clotilde is elected to harness up the getaway chariot. I got no problem with that. She probably has a sister/friend/ex over at the Fortress of Shadows and they could probably use one druid priestess, slightly singed, even if she will have to adapt to using more sensible diety names.

Actually, the whole time Pollione was going on about how great the Roman pantheon is in comparison, all I could think of was Eddie Izzard's thing about Crap Roman Gods viz. Jeff the God of Biscuits.

Random other notes and observations:

Dude, nobody does the hand slice thing anymore, that's so last century.

Ew. What a shark. Totally wicker basket that guy, Gaulish people.

The Inevitable Woad

Druid banda!

Enthusiastic Axe Dude's torc designed by Beatz by Dre?

Dramatic Spear Guy watches too much Spartacus.

These Gaulish bros are the hairy antecedents to Rodrigo's tub-thumping highlanders in LDDL.

Srsly is Matthew Rose like 8 feet tall?

"But stray, what was Radvanovsky's Casta diva like?"


  1. I really enjoyed this post and wanted to say so for a month but was denied by the cerberus at the door. Blogger needs the like button.
    Crap Roman Gods :-D

    1. I've changed the comments settings to something entirely counterintuitive, so feel free to test it out at random from your most blogger-averse point of access.

    2. weirdly enough, the most blogger-adverse browser is chrome :-D all the OKs have been via firefox, such as this (after much clicking through street signs; still hoping to get the cakes).

    3. Oh well that's good to know, thanks!
